Graves’ disease….Have you ever heard of it?
I hadn’t either until about a month ago.
A Medical Rollercoaster
It feels like so much has happened since my last blog post — which explains my delay in writing! A couple months ago I was in the process of switching medications (again) from Taltz to Cosentyx. On my second loading dose of Cosentyx, I noticed I was experiencing rapid heartbeat, which I had never had before. Taking a shower, getting out of bed, or putting on shoes caused my heart to race. It was very unsettling and uncomfortable. At one point I recorded my heart at 126 BPM while simply laying in bed and I knew something was wrong.
I contacted my rheumatologist, convinced it was an adverse effect from the Cosentyx. She wasn’t so sure the medication was the issue, considering those reactions had never been reported. We were both however extremely suspicious of the timeline of when these symptoms started since they lined up perfectly with my first injection. She ran blood work and called me a few days later with the results. She told me my thyroid levels were high and as a result, referred me to an Endocrinologist.
I had no idea what to expect before going into my endocrinology appointment. I’d prepared no questions/concerns and really wasn’t too worried about my levels being out of wack. I assumed whatever the issue was would be an easy fix.
A New Diagnosis
After asking a slew of questions, the endocrinologist was 99% certain I was experiencing hyperthyroidism…or Graves’ disease. My symptoms and latest bloodwork matched the diagnosis, and she reminded me that people with autoimmune diseases are more likely to develop other autoimmune diseases over time. I also forgot to mention that I had unintentionally lost eight pounds over the last year. In recent months especially I noticed I was becoming a lot thinner without trying. Before she jumped to conclusions, she ran a few more labs to see if I had the antibodies for Graves’.
Her suspicions were confirmed a week later…and I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. My fourth autoimmune disease. (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing Spondylitis, & Graves’ Disease) Woohoo!
I was absolutely devastated when I got this news. My health has been all over the place this past year and was not ready to accept another diagnosis. I was furious, confused, sad, defeated, and above all: frustrated.
It’s been nearly a month since my last endocrinology appointment. I’ve started on a low dose of Methimazole to treat my overactive thyroid. I’ve also started working with a holistic doctor to figure out what is causing all of these autoimmune diseases I’m suffering from. He’s having me take a ton supplements, running every test you could imagine, and had me start the AIP (AutoImmune Protocol) diet… That is a whollleeeee other topic I’ll tackle in another post!
I am feeling a bit better after a few weeks of my new regime. My heart rate is back to normal and my jitteriness has substantially subsided. I’m not sure if my improvements are due to the medication, the elimination diet, or a combination of the two. I’ve fainted a couple times which has never happened to me before. I almost passed out again the last time I got my blood drawn… I’m hoping it’s just the fact I’m a baby and hate getting blood taken. Curious if it has to do with Graves’ or possibly my body adjusting to my new diet.
I’ll continue to post updates on this new situation I’ve got going on, and if anyone has every battled multiple autoimmune diseases — I’d love to hear how you manage all of them!
Talk soon 🙂
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